On forgiveness:
Charlie: "Mommy, I forgive you."
Me: "Why do you forgive me."
Charlie: "Because I kicked Annie, but I forgive you."
On hair accessories:
"I'm getting too hot in my headband."
On witnessing:
Charlie: "We are going to the comp store."
Me: "Comp store? What's at the comp store?"
Charlie: "People who don't beleive Jesus."
Me: "Oh no! What can we do?"
Charlie: "Nothing except God."
Me: "Well, could we tell them about Jesus?"
Charlie: "No."
On other things Moses may have said:
"Let my people wear sweatpants!"
On noodles:
"I like 'em chewy. They tickle my teeth when they are chewy."
In Him,
Photo by the incredible Lisa Armstrong at
Tumbleweed Studios. I highly recomend her to any locals!